Monday, March 7, 2011


A few weeks ago, I lost my wedding ring.  The house was searched several times over, memory jogging exercises revealed nothing.  Yesterday, my dear husband found it!  He cried.  I cried.  My grandaughter asked why I was crying.  This ring is a symbol, it has great meaning. 

Over to the right, you will see 3 pictures...  A Mother, giving her daughter a beautiful necklace that will add meaning to her wedding day.  A Pearl necklace, someone purchased, having not purchased a nice piece of jewelry in years, gave herself a gift.  And, the third, A group of friends who share something special, giving themselves the gift of sharing a necklace!  MEANING

Recently, I designed a special pair of earrings for a bride for her wedding day.  Last week, she brought her daughter back to choose jewelry for HER wedding day.  MEANING

A mother, brings her daughter to me to give her a jewelry gift for her birthday, that she can wear for her wedding, and after.  MEANING

Jewelry is meant to be an emotional purchase, one that connects you to a part of yourself that you hold dear.  Or one that is a gift you give to someone, because you want them to feel the beauty of your love.  It can be simple, or elaborate... doesn't matter... still MEANING.

Often, I re-visit the "why" of creating my jewelry... and it all comes down to:  connecting at my deepest level,  to a gift given to me, and my desire to share that gift with others.  So that, in the end... what I leave others with is, the gift of MEANING.   Jyl Walker Jewelry Designs~Give Meaning to the Jewelry You Wear! CALL NOW 865.360.3007

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